Monthly Archives: July 2019

Crisis Averted

The imminent and infallible Wikipedia defines a mid life crisis as:

 a transition of identity and self-confidence that can occur in middle-aged individuals, typically 45–64 years old.

HuntSelfieI kinda thought I was past the mid-point here, but apparently I’m still in the range for having such a crisis.  Turns out, the crisis part happened a few years ago when I was seriously questioning my value as an employee and whether the work I was doing was actually helping anyone.  I’ve gotten past that, and have started exploring some new activities/hobbies.  I’ve never really had a defined hobby, although I’ve always enjoyed reading, cooking, traveling, and a few other odds and ends activities.  I just never pursued anything intentionally as a way to grow, learn, or be active.

I’m still not pursuing any of these hobbies as a way to become expert, but as I was out Golfplaying golf today I realized that these things are a bit more than “practicing for retirement,” as I’ve called them over the past year or so.  And even though I’m trying to pursue these new hobbies with a minimalist approach (spending as little money as possible, amassing only the absolutely necessary equipment), I’m having a great time being active, being outdoors, spending time with people, and learning new skills.

Golf isn’t really a “new” activity for me (the first clubs I had were a used set I think I bought from Steve Taylor in Ruston – that had to be 30-something years ago).  I’ve dabbled around trying to learn this game off and on since then, but now it’s getting a bit more serious.  I still have a beginner set of clubs, with no plans to buy more.  I played a round today and lost only one ball.  That one went in a pond in the middle of the fairway.  None of my shots were lost in the woods.  This is SERIOUS progress.  (Admittedly, some of that is due to having new and better glasses, but there were more than a few really good shots involved, too.)

DKayakebbie and I first paddled a kayak in a bioluminescent bay in Puerto Rico back in about 2004, and nearly threw each other out of it.  But, a couple of years ago (at her request) we took some lessons and now we own a kayak and have had a grand time KayakSelfiegetting out on the water.  In the past few months, we’ve gone to a kayak rally, played around and fished on Toledo Bend lake with family, took a kayak tour of Bayou St John in New Orleans (highly recommend Kayak-iti-yat), and took a trip down Big Alabama Bayou at the Sherburne Wildlife Management Area.  More to come…

I expect the biggest shock to anyone who knows me is that I’m also learning to hunt.  Focusing on Huntsmall game because that is really the easiest thing to do, and certainly can be done with a minimalist approach.  Even IF Debbie thinks I’ve gone overboard and surpassed the minimalist hurdle, I’m still trying to keep from getting too heavily invested here.  On the other hand, I am also exploring some options for a guided goose hunt this fall.  That just sounds like a load of fun (and apparently can still be done with minimal gear – no boat, no blind, just a few decoys….still not a massive investment, I hope).

And even if I do, or already have, surpassed the minimalist ideal, it’s cheaper than a motorcycle or a Corvette.  Right??